My links were broken so no one could comment! I’m so sorry! It should be fixed now 🙂
Is it really a “deeper look” at heart issues?
So, I’m still plugging through Turansky and Miller’s Say Goodbye to Whining… and I am growing a bit more disappointed with each chapter. Its such a bummer. This is a book that I wanted to love. It is on the mainstream Christian radar, and I would love for a GBDish book to be out there that didn’t even have to address spanking. After all, spanking is not the issue.
So I love the way that they say to get to the heart of issues. I couldn’t agree more.
If you discipline your child to change behavior but a bad attitude remains, then discipline is incomplete… Step back and ask yourself, “Why is this child struggling with a bad attitude?” This will help you focus your discipline. One mom recognized that her five-year-old son needed more sleep…
and so on and so forth. You get the idea. They are trying to get to the heart of the issue and not leave their children with a seething anger. Fabulous! I agree!
And then, out of nowhere…
“Mary, I’d like you to go and clean up the toys in your room.”
“But Moommmm!” Mary says yet again, rolling her eyes and huffing off to her room.
“Mary, come here, please. I can tell you’re having a bad attitude by your tone of voice. If you can’t obey with a good attitude, then I’m going to give you another job when you’re done with this one. Now I’d like to hear a different response.”
Hunh? That really sounds like dealing with the heart of the issue. They seem to contradict themselves over and over! So far, I’d still say this book has more good than bad, but it may be more of a “gateway drug” than a full leap to a grace based life. It sort of bridges the gap, but is not firmly in either camp.
Oh well, I’ll keep you up to date on my readings 😉